Modern Watercolor
for Beginners

Discover the fundamentals of watercolor in Watercolor Awaits, a brand new membership community for watercolor enthusiasts.

Stay inspired with watercolor floral templates, so you always have something to paint! Grab your FREE drawn for you watercolor templates so that you can start painting right away!
Get Your Free Watercolor Templates

Learn Watercolor

Watercolor Awaits Enrollment

Ignite your watercolor wild child with Sara’s relaxed approach to painting through guided instructions, a supportive community group, and live paint alongs. Find out when enrollment is open:

Learn watercolor with Sara

D I S C O V E R T H E J O Y O F P A I N T I N G &

unlock your inner artist

Receive creative art prompts

Learn how to paint watercolor florals, landscapes and abstracts, while finding your flow.

Sara has been a painting, illustrating and designing for over 15 years. You’ve seen her art in the wild on products such as greeting cards, wall art and more. She first began painting as a way to unwind, and her love of watercolor led her to create her 50 states series.

What’s Inside:

Your Success Path

Explore watercolor supplies and learn how they work. Unlock your love of watercolor through simple explorations that build confidence.

Bit Sized Painting Techniques

Learn painting techniques at your own pace. Revisit them over and over on your painting journey. Create your own watercolor creator’s passport as way to keep track of what you’ve learned.

Paint Tutorials

Take your painting practice to the next level with live painting demos. Ask questions in the community to get feedback and stay inspired!

Explore painting mindfulness

Discover Mindful Watercolor

Relax and get into a meditative flow state with painting. Learn techniques for abstraction and watercolor, so that you can unwind and let go of your day through painting. Discover your self care painting practice inside of Watercolor Awaits. Learn how to create paintings that release your stress and ignite your intuitive side!

Your teacher Sara Franklin has been a watercolor artist, illustrator and graphic designer for over 15 years.

Are you ready to start your painting journey?